Improve tone and definition

We’re partnered with Aurez Aesthetics to take a holistic approach to aesthetics, offering a range of curated, science-backed solutions with potential benefits based on your goals. For full access to product information and to receive appropriate advice, you are legally required to complete a health questionnaire and consultation with our doctor.

What Are Lean Muscle Treatments?

These treatments work with the body's natural processes and endocrine system, focusing on enhancing the natural secretion and hormone production that can assist in lean muscle development and weight management.

How Are Lean Muscle Treatments Administered?

Our treatments are typically self-administered and are delivered to the Infinity Glow or Aurez Aesthetics Clinics to assist with you.

What Are The Benefits Of Lean Muscle Treatments?

Enhanced Hormonal Regulation: Influence the body’s hormone levels, potentially contributing to improved muscle development by mimicking or stimulating the body’s natural hormone release and lean muscle growth.

Weight Management Assistance: Balancing hormones potentially extends to influencing metabolic rate and appetite control

Muscle Recovery: Stimulates the release of growth hormone for muscle tissue growth and repair, potentially reducing recovery time and improving muscle healing after exercise or strain.

Please complete a medical questionnaire and book an online consultation to see whether our prescriptions are right for you.

/ From $349 per 10 weeks