Stimulate your body's building blocks

We’re partnered with Aurez Aesthetics to take a holistic approach to aesthetics, offering a range of curated, science-backed solutions with potential benefits based on your goals. For full access to product information and to receive appropriate advice, you are legally required to complete a health questionnaire and consultation with our doctor.

What Are Regenerative Consultations?

Stimulate naturally occurring biological molecules in the body that are the building blocks of proteins such as collagen, elastin, and keratin, essential for maintaining the skin's texture, elasticity, and strength. 

How Are Regenerative Treatments Administered?

Our treatments are typically self-administered and are delivered to the Infinity Glow or Aurez Aesthetics Clinics to assist with you.

What Are The Potential Benefits Of Regenerative Treatments?

Improved Skin: Potential to target specific aspects of the skin, such as the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles, through supporting the skin's structural integrity at a cellular level.

Hydration Support: They may help the skin appear more hydrated and plump, reducing the appearance of fine lines.

Deeper Sleep: Enhance the depth and efficiency of sleep by influencing growth hormone levels, which are integral to the sleep cycle and patterns that degrade as we age.

Please complete a medical questionnaire and book an online consultation to see whether these treatments are right for you.

/ From $349 per 10 weeks