Discover Weight Management

Clinical Weight Loss

We’re partnered with Aurez Aesthetics to take a holistic approach to aesthetics, offering a range of curated, science-backed solutions with potential benefits based on your goals. For full access to product information and to receive appropriate advice, you are legally required to complete a health questionnaire and consultation with our doctor.

What Are Weight Management Treatments

Prescription treatments impact metabolic conditions by influencing the body's ability to regulate blood sugar levels and may impact appetite and weight management. 

How Are Weight Management Treatments Administered?

Our treatments are typically self-administered and are delivered to the Infinity Glow or Aurez Aesthetics Clinics to assist with you.

What Are The Potential Benefits Of Weight Management Treatments?

Targeted Metabolic Health: The potential to support metabolic health by mimicking the action of a hormone that regulates insulin secretion and appetite.

Weight Management: The potential to influence body weight management by impacting appetite regulation and possibly altering energy metabolism.

Complement Lifestyle Change: Treatments complement a healthy dietary and exercise regime to accelerate results.

Please complete a medical questionnaire and book an online consultation to see whether our prescriptions are right for you.

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